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Mother's Day Farm to Table Dinner

Join us for a very special farm to table dinner in celebration of Mother's Day on Friday, May 10th. It's time to celebrate mothers, mother figures + all those who hold a special role in raising + nurturing children. This five-course dinner will feature locally sourced + sustainably grown cuisine from Chef Aaron Holt of Doolittle Farm. Start your evening with a tour of the beautiful farmstead as you meet new friends. Grab a seat under the Garden Pavilion while overlooking the flower gardens. Flavorful dishes, great company + the idyllic countryside await. Guests will also have the opportunity to pre-select curated Mother's Day gifts + floral arrangements from The Shoppe to be delivered tableside the night of the dinner.

May 10: 6:00-9:00 PM
$ 140.00 USD
By purchasing this product I agree to the Rose Farm Workshoppe Agreement and Liability Waiver.

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Chef Aaron Holt

Aaron Holt is the owner of Doolittle Farm LLC. As a master chef, Aaron Holt was awarded Iowa Restaurant Associations Chef of the Year in 2018. In 2017, Aaron started his own business where he grows vegetables, fruits, edible flowers + micro-greens on his family's century farm in Story City, Iowa. He uses those ingredients while creating themed chef dinners at venues all over Iowa.

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