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Candle: The Grace

Growing up on our family farm meant that my maternal grandmother’s house was right next door. Grace was the most amazing baker our small community had ever seen. She was known for her handmade pies + cinnamon rolls. You could always count on finding a sweet treat on top of her kitchen table. Her favorite flower was the gardenia. She endured many heartaches in her lifetime, but her faith never wavered. Every Sunday as a child, I would sit next to her in church, and she would teach me how to read the song hymnals. To this day, I can still smell her. We share many traits - our love for family, a strong faith + work ethic, a love of cats, Easter traditions (our favorite holiday!), making lipstick a part of your outfit, and dressing up for everything. When I moved away, she called every Saturday and sent a handwritten letter every week, with the date + weather written on it. I now have a collection of hundreds of beautiful, handwritten letters. She would make my favorite meal of fried chicken, along with lemon ice box pie for dessert. Her sweet tea couldn’t be beat, and every glass I pour for our guests at the farm is a reminder of my grandmother. The Grace is enchanting + bright. The beloved aroma of gardenias will remind you of humid summer nights, listening to the cicadas, as the sweetness of the flowers wrap you in a gentle hug (just as Grace would wrap me in love). Hand-poured in Des Moines by Currently Co., the small-batch candles are made with all-natural, soy wax + cotton wicks.

$ 26.00 USD
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