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The Victoria Aroma Spray

The Victoria garden at the farm is filled to the brim with perennials, and it hosts one of my mother-in-law’s favorite flowers – the lilac. The sweet aroma of lilacs is a reminder of how my love for her ran wide + deep. She created the most wonderful man – my husband. She and I shared many passions together, including our families, celebrating everything, hosting parties, our love for traditions + making things extra special. She loved our farm, and spent much time here planting perennial flowers, growing a vegetable garden, and canning our abundance of the season. I was blessed by her life, and am thankful for the 24 years we had together. The Victoria is bursting with a bright, fresh lilac aroma sure to remind you of the beautiful purple flower. Hand-poured in Des Moines by Currently Co., the small-batch candles are made with all-natural, soy wax + cotton wicks.

$ 22.00 USD
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